Wednesday, December 20, 2006

December 20, 2006

5 days until I'm lavished with multiple gifts that will surely brighten my days for a while, it's amazing to me that I'm only treated like this for only one day out of the entire year. I wouldn't be opposed to approaching Christmas like making a movie, in stages. We could have a Pre-Christmas, Christmas, and Post-Christmas. Getting gifts at each stage of course. You will learn that this is the most important part of christmas--forget the atmosphere, forget the family, forget the giving, Christmas is about fulfilling your own desires and receiving gifts that you wouldn't get otherwise. Okay, so giving is kind of cool too, your Auntie Leanna and I will be having our 2nd Annual Christmas Shopping trip tomorrow, we started a tradition last year where we essentially just pick out gifts for ourselves and then give them to the other person to buy. It's a really a great concept. Why? Because you will find that you often have to pretend like you like gifts given to you when in reality these gifts provide you with as much enjoyment as looking at your pet release his lunch. Leanna and I have discovered that this can be avoided, just choose what you would like, have the person you're shopping with buy it, and pretend like your surprised when you open it. Your Uncle Jeremy will be attending his first dance tonight at the Junior High. He is hitting that stage in life where he has started to "notice" people of the opposite sex, by the time you "pop" out who knows, he will probably be in a serious relationship, most likely it wont be a real relationship though because it will be based solely on physical attractions and being too excited about discovering what the word "French" means when put in front of the word "kissing".
Uncle Jonny

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