Tuesday, July 17, 2007

17 July 2007

Hello M-Ster. If your worried about the name "M-Ster," worry no more. As I recently looked at your Daddy's blog I recognized that there was a poll for what people will call you. I find this somewhat upsetting as I didn't want everyone to have access to a couple of those names. With that said I am boycotting all names mentioned in that poll and I am in the process of meditating/searching for the perfect name for you that I alone will be able to call you (at an appropriate time I will release a very SHORT list of people I will allow to use this name...Maybe). So I have just seen new pictures of you and it's pretty bittersweet. You see, in one retrospect I am so happy, actually ecstatic to see how beautiful you are but at the same time I am very upset to see that you are aging by the day and I am not there. I really do need to stop dwelling on the fact that I am not there because there is nothing I can do about it at this point but I cannot help it. You are a very big part of my life and I want to be there for the major things throughout your childhood, however, I suppose I have already failed in accomplishing this goal as I missed your birth. This post is not too exciting but sometimes that is the story of my life, thus leaving me with not too much to write about. The fact that I am falling asleep as my hands tinker across the keyboard adds to my inability to come up with creative material. Anyways, it is time for me to go so I will continue my rambling sooner than later. Hope you are doing good. Please stop growing until I come back. Love you and miss you.
Uncle Jonny

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