Tuesday, May 15, 2007

15 May 2007

*Happy Birthday Dad*
Today's blog will be in honor of the great Chief... A worldwide legend recognized as a historian, comedian, dentist, husband, friend, storyteller and father... My father... Lee Long.

What is it that defines a person? Is it the successes that one achieves or the obstacles one conquers? Maybe it's possibly overcoming a lengthy list of fears? First of all, what do I mean when I say "Define?" What does the word even mean? Basically it's what gives something form or meaning. So in response to my question, none of these things define a person. Really, the only thing that ever fully forms someone into who they become is the disappointments they experience. Many people try to define someone without ever knowing their background. If you agree with my definition for the word "define," than surely you cannot buy into the concept that someone other than yourself can try to define you. You and you alone are the only one that can truly be able to define yourself, and of course be able to supply sufficient evidence for your claims. Without anymore waiting, I provide you with a short, temporary, uncompleted list of great disappointments which have helped define me (in no particular order):

1. June 27, 1984*: The Portland Trail Blazer's select Sam Bowie with the 1st overall pick in the NBA draft... Michael Jordan went 2nd. (You are correct, I was not born yet... Nevertheless, this very thing has haunted my every dream for years).

2. April 16, 1992, 1:37 pm: Older brother Joseph decides not to take me to Dairy Queen after I fail to do something up to his standards. This memory may or may not be truthful. In all honesty, this is what I remember... I'll stick with it.

3. November 14, 1994: I find out Santa is fake... Enough said.

4. December 25, 1994: Extremely mixed emotions run through my head when "Santa" shows up in my living room... I cry...

5. December 26, 1994: The news is revealed to me... My dad is Santa.

6. June 12, 1998: I feel as though my world has crashed down on me after I fail to hit a home run in a YMCA little League game... The first time this has ever happened. My first seven* at bats were all home runs... *This number is debatable, I cannot remember exactly.

7. March 18, 2000: I agree to "go outside on the deck at the hotel (Four stories up) in my "Tighty Whities" when I'm dared by my basketball teammates. Foolishly, I trust them when they say "they won't do anything to me." It was maybe funny for the first five minutes. After twenty minutes on the deck in broad daylight in underwear my confidence was destroyed... The hotel was on the side of a highway.

8. January 3, 2002: I ask a girl to "go out" with me... She says yes... She breaks up with me three weeks later... I tell everyone I broke up with her.

9. May 2002: The Portland Trail Blazers give up a 17 point lead in the final eight minutes of the game to the Los Angeles Lakers to advance to the NBA Finals... My hatred for Kobe Bryant begins.

For now,
Uncle Jonny/ Assistant to the Editor in Chief

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