Friday, May 11, 2007

11 May 2007

Dearest Magsta,
I stated in an earlier post that I would not be there when you are introduced into the world... most likely... Do I feel bad about this? Yes... Is there any positive outcomes that may come of this? Absolutely. For the first month of your induction, you will be passed around like a hot potato. As you know, the person who ends up holding the potato is the one that wins. This brings me to my logic, like a potato, the "hottness" of your initial existence will eventually cool. When this happens, guess who will be there to accept you? That's right, me. This means that I will, with not much suprise as is usually the custom, I will be the winner, I will have you for good. With that said, many will try to do things with you that I forbid you to do with anyone but myself. Without further ado, here is a preliminary list of the top five things you must NOT do with anyone while I'm gone.

1. Travel to Switzerland
2. Play the board game Monopoly (Batman and Robin special edition)
3. Play the Tuba
4. Shoot a paintball gun
5. Frolick in ANY fields wich contains daisies

Like I said, this is only a temporary list and many more things will be added to it in the near future. I believe mommy is feeding you Mac+Cheese right now.... Quite elegantly I might add... I guess that's all I have for tonight.

Love you,

Uncle Jonny/Assistant to the Editor in Chief of "Fankle Magazine"

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