Friday, December 1, 2006

December 1, 2006

One thing that I'm very glad for is the fact that you will grow up with a father that knows how to stand up for himself and not back down when he disagrees. Unfortunately im one of the few (if not the only one) in my family that missed out on this trait. Throughout life you will always be "tested" by people, if you are like the majority of human beings you will often get very frustrated and just straight want to hit someone in the face. Right now that's how I feel, there is something that I disagree strongly with this one person about but I don't have the 'cough'.... balls.... to stand up for what I think and talk to the person about it. In fact, I talk to this person on a daily basis, and I'd like to yell at them and tell them what I think, instead however, I stand there and pretend like I agree. This is a very bad trait. There is no one that you will meet who is better at facing confrentations head on than your daddy. Observe, learn, obey (sometimes), and practice what he teaches you. I don't mean that he resorts to solving prediciments with violence (which is probably a good thing), but he knows how to stand up for what he believes. This is important. I guess that will be my lesson for the day. I'm headed to a lodge up in the mountains tonight to play in the snow and make snow angels with your uncle Jamey, should be a fun time. Hint #2: Sometimes it is absolutely essential to resort to violence, if you ever find yourself losing in a "battle" with your father realize two things, 1) your screwed if you try to take him on verbally, and 2) that's okay, this is the time to use violence and just abuse him physically.

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